I have a 1994 fzr 600 it is a very nice all around bike. I bought mine one year from my friend he bought it new and never road it. so I bought it and stiped it down to nothing but the frame and painted it fine silver matalic flace. Then i put the engine back in then I took and put a bigger back sprocket and a smallier front sprocket(it gave me 2 times the power I had)then I put new high preformance vance and hanes four and one exast system,excell super coil packs,k&n air filter system, z rated tire up to 200, a stage 2 dino jet system in the carberator,new seates new gages,new top tree,new battery,new clear hoses,new handel grips, new high preformance breakĀ“s,pads and roters,I put every part that looked and made it new if you want ill email you some pick have a good day everone thanks for reading