well the fzr 1000 has a long wheel base compared to the new sport bikes. this makes it a little more difficult to get the front wheel to lift. but this bike has more than enough power to get lift off. Im suprised that you cant get the front up in first. at four thousand rpms it only takes a quick twist of the throttle to get the front up. but may be this will help. In first gear, try a quick exceleration to around 6 thousand r´s, then cut the throttle and quickly snap it wide open with a little tug on the handle bars. you will also want to be sitting up right to get the center of gravity as high as possible. make sure to cover your rear brake in case it comes up a little faster than you expect. cutting the throttle compresses the front shock giving you a little more upward momentum when you crack the throttle. timing the tug is important, and helps more than you would think. this bike is capable of standing up in 2nd and 3rd. but if you have not done wheelies before, the power of this bike can throw you to the ground faster than you can respond, so watch out. hope this helps and let me know how you make out. hdmb1