What a bundle of paradoxes this bike is! It´s awesomely comfortable, stable on the highway, feels super-safe in traffic and on the expressway, cruises serenely at 75-100mph, easily packs a bunch of luggage and a passenger. It also... overheated regularly in traffic, and then would start stalling for no reason and be hard to restart. When really hot it´d misfire, and, worst of all is the second gear. THAT SECOND GEAR!!! Yamaha outdid itself with this fragile, unreliable transmission. Every mechanic I spoke to told me to live with the sloppy grinding shifts, on the basis that a $1200 repair would only yield the problem again within 10,000 miles, and that it was the destiny of the design of the shifter and 2nd gear to shift that badly. Never, in 24 bikes I´ve owned, have I encountered such a poorly shifting bike. Even with all its other fine characteristics, the overheating and shifting eventually consigned that bike to the classified ads through which it was sold to a mechanically adept rider...