Just bought my dream bike. a used 1400 intruder in perfect shape. 14,433 miles on it. Red and Black. The bike sat up for years as the owner was ill. The bike starts easily and runs very strong. I just love it. Except at speeds 70, 75, 80, and above it vibrates and is not a smooth ride at all. I have read reviews that says this bike is a smooth highway cruiser. I´m willing to put it in the shop to do whatever it takes. this is a beautiful bike and the chrome glistens. Do I have tire balance issues. The motor is runs great and is very responsive. Just the ride is rough and more that 30 minutes at highway speeds you´re ready to get off. Is this the nature of this bike or will new tires and balancing, and servicing fix it? Thanks for listening and any replies. Trip Warren, High Spirngs, Florida