I bought a 1998 Suzuki VL 1500 Intruder last year. This is my first street bike. This bike has been a huge disappointment so far. My problems, so far, seem to lie between the fuel pump and the carburetor. The bike is running entirely too rich and the majority of my fuel is going up in black smoke. I have had a well known and well respected motorcycle shop spend hours trying to diagnose the problem but they have not had any luck. The first thing that was replaced was the needle because the other one was bent (suzuki factory needle had a tendency to do that). When this did not fix the problem it was found that fuel was coming through all jets at idle, therefore loading up the carburetor. The mechanics tried to fix this problem by installing a fuel regulator which did not work either. I´m not sure if the pump is overriding the regulator or the regulator is crap. As long as I am running 55 mph and over the bike runs great, once below that speed it still runs but it is hesitating the entire time. I do not know what else to do. I also had a set of brake pads installed which have squealed and thrown brake dust since installation 2000 miles ago. I do not want to pour any more money into this bike until some one knows exactly what is wrong with it. I would definitely appreciate some intel on this bike. Thanks.