The bike is well set up as is, in my opinion. However, to improve handling fit a set of Dunlop 208 tyres front and rear for good grip (road and track) and then play around with the suspension settings to make the most of its balance to your body weight - you may need a bike shop to help you out here. Some claim removing the steering damper helps yo dive into corners alot better than with it, but I´d rather have piece of mind that I won´t tank slap coming out of a corner so I´d leave it on, or move to an adjustable Ohlins item. Fitting braided brake lines and quality pads will give great feedback through the brakes under heavy braking. Engine wise (for more power), I´ve fitted a Yoshi RS3 system and it sounds awesome, and has picked up some good power. I´m looking at a Power Commander in the future. End result should be in the area of about 140 "genuine" horsepower.