RE: is this a good starting bike for a 14 year old
RE: is this a good starting bike for a 14 year old
rm 125 rider said 2005-12-20 15:03
for a starting bike for a 14 year old i wouldn´t go right on to a 125. The powerband on it would scare the %!¤ out of you. You wouldn´t want to ride that bike once you tried it once. For you just starting i would look into a honda crf 230f. it is a off road or trail bike wat ever you want to call it. its got good power and would do you just fine until you got good enough to move up from that four stroke to a rippin 2 stroke. I am an amateur and have been riding my whole life and i am 15 and i just got my rm 125 and it is a kick %!¤bike don´t get me wrong but i would look into a four stroke trail bike until you get used to shifting and using the clutch. Honestly by the time you got done figureing out how to ride the two stroke you would have burned out 10 clutches and fouled out your fair share of spark plugs. Again i would strongly recomend the crf 230f