The GZ250 is my first bike. I´ve only had it a little while, so time will tell..but so far..I love it! It´s perfect for a first bike! Small, lightweight and fun to ride plus it´s dirt cheap and looks awesome compared to other 250´s out there. I got no complaints, I was a bit concerned when I bought it because everyone (including the dealer?!?!) said I would outgrow it right away as it doesn´t have enough power. Okay, it´s no huge cruiser or crotch rocket, but for tooling around town, it´s got plenty. Haven´t took it on the interstate yet, but around town at 50mph or 45mph stop and go type traffic, it easily keeps up with cagers. Bottom line: If you´re a novice like me, don´t let others talk you out of this bike ESPECIALLY if they´ve never even riden one. Besides a singe cylinder thumper is just plain cool.