I bought this bike new in 1975 and loved it. Back then I weighed all of 130lbs, so this bike carried me around with no problem. I moved from the Texas coastal bend to Albuquerque, NM and the little Suzuki took me all around, up and down distant mesas and low mountains. I had to ride it from El Paso to Albuquerque in February 1976. Man, it was cold! Crossing that Trans Mountain Highway from Texas into New Mexico was about as exciting a time as I ever had on a motorcycle and I´ve had 12-15 bikes since that first one. I had the feeling of flying as I cruised along at 60mph looking down past the guard rail to a 800-900 foot drop off. The air was crisp and clean, the scenery was breathtaking and I was king of the road on my little bike. The 18 wheelers would knock me around with the backwash as they passed me going up. I had the throttle nearly pegged going uphill and was only doing 60! In Albuquerque I took my 4 months pregnant wife all over town just to save gas with the bike instead of taking the car. I eventually sold it to my brother in law whose wife wrecked it. It lay smashed at my wife´s parent´s neighbor´s house for years and it broke my heart to see that. Before I could buy it from them to restore, they sold it to a junk man. One day I will find another on ebay just for nostalgia´s sake. I´ve rescued many japanese bikes from pastures and junk yards and brought them back to life, cruised them all over Texas and either sold or traded them. Currently I have a ´79 Yamaha xs650 rescued from a junk yard. It runs, but i´m still restoring it which is easier in these ebay days. Ride to your heart´s content brothers. Any bike is worthy of a long trip for me.