Great bike. Used it for every day, commuting and sunday scratches. Does everything it says on the tin. Loves to be thrashed though, it can be very flat below 5000rpm but as it starts to climb to 7000 and up to 14000 it goes ballistic. You´ll really have to love going up and down the gears on this bike to get the very best out of it and keep it singing in that sweet spot of around 8-9000 rpms. Never had and trouble with it, been pretty good on tyres and mine tends to spend o alot if it´s time in the dry on it´s back wheel. As most other 6´s your not going to be blown away by a huge amount of torque, but for a great time just take it on a track and give those bigger bikes a run on the handles really well and with the standard steering damper keeps the front end nice and stable.....very unlike an r6 i was tracking. Overall a very flickable fun bike. Gotta sell mine now though as i wanna try an SP-2...any comments on them?