Recently bought a Suzuki gs 750 engine with the Pistons seized in the cylinder block the cylinder head was already of having put marvel mystery oil in all 4 cylinders and leaving it for 5 plus months i got them to turn in the cylinder bores but the problem ime having is I cannot get the cylinder block of the crancases I´ve cut through the base gasket that took for ever and I made a cradle and ziptied through the center wear the air ways are left it thier for months and hitting it with a block of wood still will not budge almost feels like it´s welded on I´ve read, on a couple of forums it could be the muc and crap build up over the years around the cylinder studs holding it all together rusted surely it wouldn´t be this would it thinking of putting it in the bin any advise help would be much appreciated because believe you me I´ve tried everything !