hey all i just purchased this bike for $500.00 us the original owner was in the military and stationed in hawaii when the bike was purchased new in 88. he drove it for a little over a year and then got reassigned to somewhere else(luck ran out).it was put in storage at his parents house till 2006. lots of storage dings and dents.He put it back on the road last year lucky 4 me got new tires and got every thing in good running order and it only had 4700 miles on the odometer.my problems are the front fork seal on the left leaks bad. which leaks on the break which binds the break if you use it. the garage said about 150.00 to fix seals. i dont know if the break caliper will have to be replaced.or if the seals are repaired and pads are new the problem will stop? also didnt get a manuel 4 the bike and not sure what i have to do to change the oil. where the drain is or does it have a filter? any help is appeciated thanks and happy motoring.