Yes, you can lower the bike. I have a 1980 KZ 750-4 LTD. I also thought it was a bit high. I stand 6ft tall, so I was suprised that I could not sit flat footed on nthe thing. Anyway I got a new set of shocks from a local dealer. They were originally for a 2003 Vulcan 1600 and it took a little grinding on the skirt around the bottom for the shock on the left side to fit over the sprocket. I also had to put a couple of wsashers in there t6o act as spacers so the chain woulkd not hit the shock. In the end, the shocks fit fine and it lowered the rear by about and inch. Which was enough for me to sit flat footed. The new shocks are much more beefier than than the old ones and make the bike look real nice. If you donĀ“t want to go through all that I think you can find "lowering kits" from the various after market vendors. Ju8st get onloine and start looking Good Luck