When I bought this bike, I was looking for anything relatively cheap from 175 to 650 cc, single or twin, to use as a daily ride. I´ve owned many other bikes before this one, large and small, mostly Hondas. This machine has been great to me, I´ve been on it about 4 years, come off it twice with very little damage to the bike or myself, and have really enjoyed riding it. My only real complaint is the lack of a kick starter. I know they´re rare these days, but I´ve always favoured having one, and recently when I had to replace the starter drive cog on the crankshaft, it would have saved me a big headache and a few bucks. The handle bars that were on the bike when I bought it cracked around the middle after about a year, and I replaced them with a set of straight, lower bars I had in the garage, but I think this bike really needs bars you can lean back from - probably because the seat, and consequently the centre of gravity, is so low. It corners best when the riders weight is positioned as far back as is practical, so taller bars angled back are really what it needs. This is aperfect learners bike or daily traffic dodger for the more experienced rider.