new meanstreak owner =) needs tips...

Kawasaki VN 1500 Mean Streak discussion forum:

new meanstreak owner =) needs tips...

new meanstreak owner =) needs tips... 
Mike \ said 2009-05-28 16:04 
Hi all, I´m Mike from Toronto and I just up-sized from a honda shadow 750 (sold that lemon) although it was good at the time, and now a very proud owner of the Kawasaki ´vulcan ´ Meansreak!!! WOW what a bike, I still take every spare moment (when Iam not rider her) just to look at it resting in the garage as if I missed something previously... anyhow I would really like some feedback on some info,tips, views and experiences being new to this beast, I would appreciate it thnx. Mike meanie 
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