I think it would be an great bike for you. it is a light weight bike 305-320Lb bike, (very well ballenced), reasonable Power and Accelerating capabilities, and reasonable priced but here are a few things to consider: Get a Insurance quote for you on this bike(it may be more then you think)., Be carefull with the throttle(it´s twitchy), and "IF" you´re not an 2-4 year expirenced rider, it´s a wise choise to take a "basic rider´s course" available though many tech collages(have a look on your states DMV website for a list). these are usually fairly inexpencive and very short($80-$160,1-3 weekends total)they are very helpfull. Most importantly be carefull and HAVE FUN! these bikes are a blast to zip around on. But to answer you question very specificly, i have met "approx." 100Lb "ladies" on 1000CC(the big)Rockets, it´s best to learn on small/light bikes and work up to a large bike over several years. the bigger the engine the more expirience you need to ride that bike safely.