RE: Hard to Start

Kawasaki KX 125 discussion forum:

RE: Hard to Start

RE: Hard to Start 
sid said 2009-07-13 08:39 
hey bud yeah all kx 125s are pricks to start when the ring goes being only single ring just put new rings in every 6 months they only 30 AUD clean ya powervalve every 6 months, also clean ya carb and check u petcock filter, i managed to get a grass sead under float valve in the carb not to mention the usual tarnish that gathers in the jets. or it could be as simple as what it usualy is if you leave your fuel on the fuel sits in the carb the fuel then evapourates and leaves the oil then your trying to start a bike on like 10:1. this bike is perfect they havnt changed it yet. im 60 kg and beet 09 kx450s round wagga not to mention in enduros its so light i never get tired and if i jump on one of my mates 4 strokes you smoke em because your used to workin a 125 like crazy

the best mxer built ever!
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