I´ll never forget that first two page color ad in the cycle magazines introducing the Kawasaki Z-1. Wow. Then they started to appear on the streets and freeways in ever greater numbers. I was 16 and rode a 1972 Honda XL 250 dirtbike that I dearly loved but new the day was soon coming I would be astride the mighty Z-1. Finally, in April 1976 I took delivery of a shiny new 1975 Z-1b which I preferred to the 1976 KZ 900. I felt so empowered riding the most awesome motorcycle yet produced. By this time Z-1´s outnumbered Honda CB 750´s on the freeways about 3 to 1. Kawasaki dealers were refusing to take in any more Sportsters or Honda Fours in trade for Z-1´s while Harley dealers were struggling to sell bikes outside of the small (at the time) hardcore Harley buyers market. It was a heady time for young guys like me that loved japanese superbikes. Modifying my Z-1 was especially gratifying, personalizing my steed exactly the way I wanted it with the huge number of aftermarket parts available. A Kerker exhaust, Mikuni smoothbores, Morris mags (18\