I am doing mine up and should have it reregistered in a week or two. I have had problem after problem.(due to previous owners neglect and custom jobs)I have had it resprayed in gloss black. seat reapolostered. baffles made for exhauste as old one was massacred out of it.replaced the clutch and flywheel because the old one sounded like a thousand screaming virgins in hell.Stator is getting done now. oils and plugs are changed. fuel pump was replaced as with the battery. the engine and frame are about the only untouched items. I have learned heaps and owe the bike for that. I am just about to do the fork seals as a project. I love do it your self jobs. In reference to your plans... I have heard over time that these bikes are sought after and a a rare bird but ride the distance. 10 000 made in total and I know half are already wrecked and back to where they come from.I am dribbling crap now as I have been up since 0400hrs and now need to wind down and crash for the day. Thanks for the comments Rene´