This is a common problem. The loud click also happens on my 97 vfr when battery is dead (consecutive clicks, actually). When waiting at red lights, keep RPM around 2000, this way the alternator will keep providing a reasonable level of juice to the battery. To make sure a battery is well prepared, DO IT YOURSELF ! You can buy an unprepared battery (body and acid separated) and prepare it by pouring acid in battery, and trickle-charging it (charging at 1 Amp). Also, get a charger, not a big 5 Amps car charger, but a 1 Amp 12 Volts(15 hours to charge a fully discharged battery) so as to trickle-charge the battery and avoid sulfating. Last things, if you jumpstart it, do so without starting the car from which you draw electricity, it would give a tad more than needed power... And when temperatures drop too much at night, take battery off of bike and inside your home to keep it warm. Have fun and DO NOT LET YOUR BATTERY DISCHARGE ! , David Kopytko in Montreal, Quebec.