For sale-----1985 V65 Sabre VF1100S perfect it was in a time capsule. All original. No rust even in thght places. 42,xxx factory fairing. All lights, switches and gauges work, even the clock, fuel, and temp bars still work! Starts 1st time every time. Always use Mobil 1 V racing synthetic oil, and change the plugs every 4,000 miles as recommended by Honda...since they fire twice unlike other bikes firing once. Change oil every 3-4,000 miles. Always garaged. Have 5 bikes,a scooter, 2 boats, and 7 cars, and the condo says some of it has to go. My 10 year old daughter is %!¤! Driven and maintained by a 52 year old male. Never raced or abused, and always garaged and covered. Bike is in the Seattle, Washington area. Pics upon request. e-mail or leave message where to send pics. 206-227-6344 anytime. Bike is blue/black/silver