Check the tire pressures. Honda recpmmnd 42f 42r. Try lowering the front by a couple of pounds. The ´weave´ has gained some notoriety but is generally caused by a combination of over-inflated tires - especially the front, too much luggage weight - espcially in the top-box and (amazingly) incorrect torqued chassis bolts etc. Get the dealer to check. The weave is absent without top box and while carrying a passenger - whether top box is fitted or not. All big bikes will be unstable at high speed. Honda recommend max speed 80mph fully loaded...this is the same as Yamaha´s for their tourer. The police withdrew thir entire fleet of ST1300´s when two cops were killed in high speed loss of control but this was purely down to the massive loading and spec of the police bike. They had similar probs with ther BMW´s they abandoned for the Pan. The dealers aren´t interested because it only happens above legal speed limits. Honda deny a problem.