The bike only goes as fast as you turn the throttle. I believe that the Spirit is a good starter bike. The 750 twin is very smooth and torquey. It is smooth continuous power from idle to redline. No snappy powerband kick like the inline fours. I think it is the easiest bike I´ve ridden. Very comfortable and smooth. It has a low center of gravity which makes it easy to handle a low speeds. It´s not about how much power a bike has but, how easy it is to control. There are no surprises with this bike. It does have the power when you want it though. I think it could actually use a little more kick. I´ve read alot of guys with this bike are going to straight pipes and jet kits for more power (and better/louder sound :) ). It is a very quiet bike from the factory. That´s my two cents. Hope it helps. Best of luck with your decission.