I bought an almost-new Elite 80 a few weeks ago from a private seller. The bike was pristine with 54 miles at delivery and still had 9 months on the warranty. For the first 100 miles, it ran great with the fuel in the tank when I bought it. Then it developed occasional cold start problems. It starts hard, and when it catches, you have to let it idle - and it idles rough - for a couple of minutes before it will run properly. If you take off without letting it idle a few minutes, it stalls at the first light. Then it´s okay until you park it and it cools down for an hour. Since it runs beautifully once it´s warm, it seems obvious to me that it is an automatic choke problem. The dealer tells me - without seeing it - that it is probably a speck of dirt in the carb inlet and suggested a Honda fuel additive. He also mumbled something about \