bike not starting-electrical problem

Honda CX 500 discussion forum:

bike not starting-electrical problem

bike not starting-electrical problem 
jmshoema said 2007-09-04 03:07 
i bought my cx500 recently before i went back to school. it started up everytime in the summer, but is now not starting. there is a jumble of wires in the front where the previous owner had tapped into the wiring so he could run a ferring plug-in. I origianlly thought it was a bad battery, so I had it recharged. That started it right up, but the next morning--nothing. Same problem. WHen I push the start button, nothing happens. The battery LOOKS new, but who knows. It could be a bad battery, but Im wondering if the problem is an a)bad ignition switch, or b) the jumble of wires is creating a short that may be draining the battery. Does any one have any ideas? I am a college student who just bought his first bike and all I want to do is ride it! thanks for your help. 
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