somewhat new women rider trying to find a bigger bike
somewhat new women rider trying to find a bigger bike
Liz said 2009-03-03 15:34
i started getting into riding this past summer/fall. I started on an xr 100 then a yz125 and i´ve ridden a few of my friends bikes including a yz 250 and xr 250. i mostly stick to trails but if i find a straight away i like to get to fifth a fast as possible and gun it. i loved the yz 250 but its not much of a trail bike i´ve been told and being 5´10 and only 125 i can´t have anything too too heavy because it´ll snap me in half. I was told an crf 250x could be an ideal bike. obviously i´m not a pro at this sport or know too much about the bikes, so i was wondering if anyone could give me a few ideas based on the basics i´ve talked about. Thanks!