My 15 year old son wanted to ride a bike. He had learned to ride on a Yamaha 70 when he was Five . I had not ridden any in several years, when I ran across this CM 400T that my father in law had. We got it running and I rode it to work while fixing it up just to be sure it was safe for my son. Well it turned out my son liked cars better and I got hooked on bike´s again. I had owned 3 different Honda 750´s durning my 20´s. Anyway I got the bug again and bought me a Honda VTX 1300, and put the CM 400 T back in the shed. Well The bike set up for a while and later my son got it out just to ride on dirt roads and left it out to ruin. Now My wife wants to learn to ride. So I am going to try and get the CM 400 T runing so that she can get use to the basic´s. If she like´s it? We will problely by her a new on this summer. If If works out. This little CM 400T will have put two old folks back on the road again. Nice Bike. mojo