I owned this model bike from 1978 to 1982 as a young man who was a bit crazy until I got married I drove this bike very hard. It was a great bike I could not kill it. I even drove it into a lake once and with the help of a few friends pulled it out waited 25 min and restarted it. This bike was not very fast compaired to bikes now adays but 100=160km in Canada. I loved this bike and had the time of my life on it. I owned it for 2 years before I bought a car. The only things I did was every spring changed the oil, plugs, chain and front and rear sprocket. This bike was a god send, when I sold it because I was moving to Europe I almost cried. The years have passed and my two kids have finished university. I could not believe when I was crusing the web and found one in mint condition in Halifax N.S I do not know and do not care if I paid to much 2500 CDN but it is worth every penny. It brought back a lot of memories and the wife even goes for a drive from time to time.