This was my first bike bought in 97´ with about 30K miles on it. The bike was basically whipped, but I managed to put 13K miles on it for a few seasons it suddenly lost power after some strange noises came out of the engine area. The bike was not fast, didn´t particularly brake very well, but it´s handling wasn´t too bad for what it was. It was a very flickable and you could throw the thing right into a corner quite nicely and it would ride the line just fine and solid....that is until you hit a bump, when the bike would dance beneath you. Not exactly confidence inspiring for sporting onto new roads. The bike was loud made alot of noise, but never really went anywhere that fast. I used to keep the amble amount of chrome on the bike shining and looking good. I got plenty of great remarks on how good it looked and how it was great to see an old classic still on the road. I was proud to ride that little bike. The greatest thing about this motorcycle was the fact you never got caught in the performance of the machine, but rather the lack of performance as you putted throughout the country forced you to take more enjoyment from the scenery than from cutting apexes. Mine is still in storage awaiting restoration. Buy one if you can.