Stripped down the frame looked flimsy. 1976 model had pillion passenger foot-pegs bolted to the swing-arm. The front suspension was non-adjustable (except by altering the quantity or viscosity grade of fork oil). Rear suspension only had pre-load spring adjustment. Brakes not up to emergency stops. No real power below 6000rpm but went rapidly from 6000 to 11,000rpm. I think the redline was 10,000rpm but I saw 12,000rpm many times without any detriment to the motor. BUT this bike for all it´s shortcomings could fly round corners far better than the sum of it´s parts allowed for. And it howled magnificently. The bike´s good handling saved this nutter´s life time and time again when the brakes weren´t up to the job after going in far too fast, far too often. NOTHING except Suzi T500´s and Rd350 Yamaha´s would accept a challenge on twisty roads.