I bought this bike from a lady who had IT laying on its side in the elements for 5 years. She wanted 500 but i talked her down to 150 seeing as we had no way of knowing I it was locked up or not. Anyway, got it home, tuned it up, replaced what I´m assuming was a coil pack seeing as it came as one piece with the plug wires. Cleaned the fuel tank out, and cleaned the carbs. Tried to start it and it just keeps turning over. So I pulled a spark plug and set it up to the block and tried turning it again and wasnt getting any spark. So I cleaned the contacts and before I knew it she was runnin like a brand new machine. Then I parked it and when I went to start it again, there was no spark. So I pulled the cover off the contacts and I noticed a little cylinder in there. Jiggled that around and I got varied bursts of spark. My question is what is that cylinder and where can I get a new one. Again it was just a small cylinder bolted in with the contacts and I checked the wore coming from it and that´s good so.
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