I bought this bike in college, to get around campus and to commute back home (about 40 miles). I picked it up from a guy advertizing in the cycle trader for $300. The bike was in bad shape to begin with, but once me and a buddy cleaned the fuel lines and jets and cleaned out the gas tank, it started up like a champ. Mine did not come with a windshield or sissy bar, but it did have a highway bar foot rest. Lack of a windshield wasn´t much of an issue, given the top speed was no more than 70 mph (I got it to 80 once). I have to say, that bike was a trooper. It started every time, even in the winter (with choke). I issue a warning though; those exhaust pipes get hotter than the pits of hell (burn hazzard). I´m not sure if it was just my cm400, but it went through at least 4 chains while I owned it. Overall, if you can find one still running, it´s a great first bike for short commutes.
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