i recently bought a 76 cb 550 from a buddy for 90 bux...it needed some work but it was mostly all there...i found that the two outboard carbs had aluminum corosion problems making it impossinle to set fload levels and correct retention of jetinside the bottom part of thje float bowl...so i went to another budddies house and got another set of four carbs...however they came off a cb500...my lean condition? also bike has aftermarket exhaust in the form of 2 into one ones...i m experiencing a lean condition above 5500 rpm at about 3/4 throttle with choke fully opened...it revs like it shoud with the choke blades slighly closed...so...i was wonder i ng if anybody fot a knows where i camscore a sedt of me\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\slinnertymeterin g yodsmeteeionmor or a larfersdet of main jets...the bile runs decent around town but qwhen i wind it out a bit it bogs down and pops and aputtwerwesputters...everything else is good...point gap @ -016and the timing a couple deg advanced...runn only super unleaded....the only thing that maybe i didn\\