Had this bike for 2 years, never has run properly. I´m a 3rd Year Automotive Apprentice so you can imagine how frustrating this is for me. Spark is good, timing is perfect, Carb is adjusted to specs, compression tests are good, thing still runs intermitenly. It will run awesome one day, then flood itself and quit the next. Somedays it won´t start at all. Took the Ignition Module (black box) into the local Yamaha dealer, they couldn´t test it. Said the bike was too old. I tore the Engine down, new seals, all that good stuff. New plug, wire, coil, resistance checks on all the wires..... What am I missing??? Checked the reeds for cracks, even sprayed brake clean around the intake when it would idle fine to check for vacuum leaks, nothing. Mixture is 32:1, bike is run at around 3000 Feet above sea level. Even tried running a slightly hotter plug.....that worked for a day. I tried pushing it down a hill several times to jump start it, it fires every once in a while, if it starts you have to hold the throttle wide open to keep it going, but it eventually stalls out. Please help me!! Any advice would be great. Thank you very much.
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