Fraudulent ads, check fraud and internet scams discussion forum:
New-guy said 2009-08-11 02:00
So I am pretty sure that and are both scam business for the fact that the business seems legit however I just talked to a guy about an ´09 Gixxer 750 that he wanted to ship through that company and sell for only 2900, another with the exact same wording in his e-mails offered the other company but for an ´06, the reason I say the businesses might be scam is because both men said that I would pay the shipping company first then they would pay them the money only after I got the bike, but come on, 2,900 for an 09 gixxer 750 in mint condition?? Oh and convienbtly you cant use escrow to pay the shipping company since they act as an ecrow type service themselves...So anyone else have a