Purchased a 2008 Ultra a month ago - I love this bike. The design is beautiful and classic (though some of the color options are hideous - and I´m being kind), both rider and passenger seats (and backrest) are very supportive and comfortable - my wife has commented that she´s almost fallen asleep while on a ride, comfortable hands/seat/feet position - though it´s wide, so do some stretching and loosen up that groin, a ton of storage space - the 25lb weight limit in the trunk and 15lb weight limit in each sidebag is a little low, and did I mention it´s absolutely beautiful!!! I thought the fairing would block more of my forward vision, but that elegantly curved and enormous batwing seems to shrink once on the bike. Some of the mistakes Harley´s made include the OEM windshield which is absolutely wrong - generates a painful \