I´ved owned a 1971 900cc for the last 12 years. Its been picked on by other riders as the so called ( Girls bike ) and many others. But it is 33 years old and go´s like hell, I ve hotted it up some what! pepole here call it death on wheels as it go´s real hard and this dose have a few problems mainly lack of licence. lol.. Now it has had the head gasket problem and a few others But its the BEST bike i have ever OWNED. And to tell the truth I flog the shit out off it and it Luves it in fact it hates going slow! Just luvs to rev ( which can cause cash problems with tyers as the back one dont last to long...lol) So Im just a newby too the net but to the 71 900cc well where real old friends. But now i have found pepole who sare the luv of them I will be here more often for sure. Enjoy the HWY and watch out for the other bugger....thanx