I have a 1996 Trident with 26K on it. Flies like a rocket. BUT having a fuel problem. It seems rust or other gunk is blocking the fuel. It starts a=every time. Rev´s like a monster, but after about 3 miles or so, it chokes out and acts like it´s running out of petrol. I´ve heard about problems with the vacuum actuated petcock. Running it in Prime position, I thought any problems with the petcock would be apparent.. But.... Still does the same thing. Does anyone have any suggestions? I´m thinking of draining the tank and flushing everything out, but noticed today, the vacuum from the right most carb feels a bit dry & hardened. Is there anyway to bypass this to test it, or some simple aftermarket, On/Off/Reserve type petcock that will work? I´m about ready to seal the factory opening and put a new hole and fuel line.. ANY HELP WOULD BE APPRECIATED!!!! I live north of Philadelphia... HELP!! I have one long, last of summer, ride planned... blanc_chat@yahoo.com if you have any sugestions or know a decent Triumph guy that doesn´t have a 4 month wait (In case you were going to suggest Euro-Sports in Coopersburg.
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