Heya if any one cane help me out tht will be grate , a dont no what it is called so im going to have to explaine it , it is on the right side of the bike a pipe runs from the tank and this thing what am confused about then an other funs from it and goes into a fiter type thing and then into the bottom of the carb. Then in this thing there is another slot which another pipe runs from it which runs into a splitter and runs into the top of the carb and into what a think is a tube that joins onto the carb. Well what it is what the pipes run into fromthe fuel tank goes into that thing the fuel gets ther then the slot oppisit to it the fuel comes out but the one in the middle nothing goes in and nothing is going in or out a dont think that this is supose to happen i dont no can anyone tell me what im doing wrong or things i need to do or is what im thinking i need to do and get a new one ? It will be grate if some one can get back to me asap as i need the bike thanks