2016 ZEV S-6100

ZEV S-6100 2016

2016 ZEV S-6100 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

ZEV's profilation of this bike
Quicker acceleration than any Japanese 250 cc road motorcycles and scooters in on track comparison testing (with exception of Kawasaki Ninja 250). This means you can easily outrun cars at traffic lights to stay with the flow.

General information
Model ZEV S-6100
Model year 2016
Category Scooter
Price as newUS$ 6549. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc.
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Engine and transmission
Engine type Electric
Engine details Electric hub motor in rear wheel
Power output 8.2 HP (6.0 kW))
Top speed 99.8 km/h (62.0 mph)
Cooling system Air
Gearbox Automatic
Driveline With reverse
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Double rail chassis
Front suspension Telescopic fork
Rear suspension Twin shocks
Front brakes Double disc
Rear brakes Single disc
Seat Dual seat
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 154.0 kg (339.5 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.0531 HP/kg
Alternate seat height 711 mm (28.0 inches) If adjustable, highest setting.
Other specifications
Color options Silver
Starter Electric
Instruments Automatic display ambient light compensation.
Comments 3.48 Kwh lithium battery. Range 54 miles. 4.5 hours charging time. Windshield. ZEV is an abbreviation of Z Electric Vehicle.
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Further information
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