General information |
Motorcycle name
Vespa LXV Vie Della Moda |
Year model
2013 |
Scooter |
2.7 View the detailed rating of value for money, design and look, reliability, etc. Compare with any other bike. |
Engine and transmission |
Engine size
124.0 ccm (7.57 cubic inches) |
Type of engine
Single cylinder, four-stroke |
Engine details
LEADER engine |
10.7 HP (7.8 kW)) @ 8250 RPM |
9.6 Nm (1.0 kgf-m or 7.1 ft.lbs) @ 6500 RPM |
Top speed
95.0 km/h (59.0 mph) |
Bore x stroke
57.0 x 48.5 mm (2.2 x 1.9 inches) |
Valves per cylinder
2 |
Fuel system
Injection. Port injected |
Fuel control
Single Overhead Cams (SOHC) |
Electronic |
Lubrication system
Wet sump, 850cc capacity; chain-driven lobe pump; intake and delivery filters |
Cooling system
Air |
Automatic |
Transmission type
Belt (final drive) |
Automatic dry centrifugal clutch with vibration dampers |
Twist-and-go CVT with torque server |
Fuel consumption
3.24 litres/100 km (30.9 km/l or 72.60 mpg) |
Greenhouse gases
75.2 CO2 g/km. (CO2 - Carbon dioxide emission) |
Emission details
Euro 3. Catalytic converter. |
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels |
Frame type
Steel metal body with welded reinforcements |
Front suspension
Single arm with helical spring and dual effect hydraulic single shock absorber |
Rear suspension
Coil spring and dual effect single shock absorber |
Front tire
110/70-11 |
Rear tire
120/70-10 |
Front brakes
Single disc. Hydraulic |
200 mm (7.9 inches) |
Rear brakes
Expanding brake (drum brake) |
110 mm (4.3 inches) |
Die-cast aluminium alloy |
Physical measures and capacities |
Dry weight
110.0 kg (242.5 pounds) |
Power/weight ratio
0.0973 HP/kg |
Seat height
785 mm (30.9 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting. |
Overall length
1770 mm (69.7 inches) |
1280 mm (50.4 inches) |
Oil capacity
1.00 litres (1.06 US quarts) |
Other specifications |
Color options
Beige |
Electric & kick |
Factory warranty
One year limited |
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Further information |
Insurance costs | Compare US insurance quotes from the nation's top providers. |
Parts finder |
Check out our overview of motorcycle webshops at |
Maintenance | Find parts, fluids. filters, maintenance tools and service manuals at |
Ask questions | Join the 13 Vespa LXV Vie Della Moda discussion group or the general Vespa discussion group. |
Related bikes | List related bikes for comparison of specs. |
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