2013 Vectrix VX-3

Vectrix VX-3 2013

2013 Vectrix VX-3 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Vectrix's profilation of this bike
The revolutionary three-wheeled all-electric, all-highway Personal Electric Vehicle is capable of speeds up to 68 mph with a range of up to 80 miles. Each VX-3 has an innovative steering system where you can set the front wheels to either full-stability for low speed manuvering or fully-articulated steering for higher speed travel. Talk about having the best of both worlds.

General information
Motorcycle name Vectrix VX-3
Year 2013
Category Scooter
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Engine and transmission
Engine type Electric
Engine details Brushless DC, radial air-gap rear-hub motor
Power 28.2 HP (20.6 kW))
Torque 65.0 Nm (6.6 kgf-m or 47.9 ft.lbs)
Top speed 109.4 km/h (68.0 mph)
Cooling system Air
Gearbox Automatic
Driveline Integrated rear-wheel mounted planetary gear drive
Emission details No direct emissions
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Lightweight aircraft-aluminum frame
Front suspension Patented Articulating Front Suspension
Rear suspension Sachs twin shocks, preload adjustable
Front tire 120/70-12
Rear tire 140/60-13
Front brakes Single disc. Bremo. Regenerative braking.
Rear brakes Single disc
Wheels Two front wheels.
Seat Two passenger seat
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 238.0 kg (524.7 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.1183 HP/kg
Seat height 775 mm (30.5 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Wheelbase 1524 mm (60.0 inches)
Other specifications
Color options Beige, black, white
Starter Electric
Instruments Central analog display and two side LCDs show speed, odometer, battery charge, estimated range and system status
Light Dual Filament 35W (High/Low Beam)
Carrying capacity Under-seat storage. Optional top case.
Factory warranty 24 months
Comments Range 50-80 miles (80-128 km) per charge depending on speed. Appox 2 hour charging time. LiFePO4 128V battery. Patented Multi-Function Throttle provides regenerative braking and slow-speed reverse.
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