2016 Unu Electric

Unu Electric 2016

2016 Unu Electric specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Unu's profilation of this bike
You don´t need a charging station or garage to recharge your unu. You can take the innovative battery out of your unu and charge it at any regular power outlet.

General information
Model Unu Electric
Year 2016
Category Scooter
Rating Do you know this bike?
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Engine and transmission
Engine type Electric
Engine details Brushless electric motor
Power 4.0 HP (2.9 kW))
Cooling system Air
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Front brakes Single disc
Rear brakes Expanding brake (drum brake)
Wheels 10 inch aluminium rims
Physical measures and capacities
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc 66.0 kg (145.5 pounds)
Overall height 1030 mm (40.6 inches)
Overall length 1700 mm (66.9 inches)
Overall width 660 mm (26.0 inches)
Other specifications
Starter Electric
Carrying capacity Lockable helmet attachment for two helmets. Luggage rack.
Comments Lithium-ion rechargeable battery with Panasonic cells, 51 volts, 29 ampere hours, charger included. Recovery of braking energy. Range 50 km. Various motor and battery options.
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Further information
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