2016 TM Racing MX 250

TM Racing MX 250 2016

2016 TM Racing MX 250 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

General information
Model TM Racing MX 250
Year 2016
Category Cross / motocross
Rating 3.0  Check out the detailed rating of off-road capabilities, engine performance, maintenance cost, etc. Compare with any other bike.
Engine and transmission
Displacement 249.0 ccm (15.19 cubic inches)
Engine type Single cylinder, two-stroke
Engine details V-Force Reed valve
Bore x stroke 66.4 x 72.0 mm (2.6 x 2.8 inches)
Fuel system Carburettor. Keihin PWK 38
Ignition Kokusan CDI Electronic with variable advance with two selectable maps
Lubrication system 3,5% oil mix
Cooling system Liquid
Gearbox 5-speed
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Clutch Multiuple-disk in oil-bath with hydaulic control
Driveline Straight – tooth gear
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Alluminium perimetral
Front suspension Marzocchi USD 50 mm (optional Kayaba USD 48 mm)
Rear suspension TM Racing
Front tire 80/100-21
Rear tire 100/90-19
Front brakes Single disc. Wave disk with Nissin pump and Brembo caliper
Diameter 270 mm (10.6 inches)
Rear brakes Single disc. Wave disk with Nissin pump and caliper
Diameter 245 mm (9.6 inches)
Physical measures and capacities
Fuel capacity 8.20 litres (2.17 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Blue/white
Starter Kick
Comments Italian brand.
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Further information
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MaintenanceFind parts, fluids. filters, maintenance tools and service manuals at Amazon.com.
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Rating sample for this TM Racing bike
Offroad capabilities for the 2016 TM Racing MX 250:

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bar (62.2 out of 100)

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