2018 Suzuki e-Lets W

Suzuki e-Lets W 2018

2018 Suzuki e-Lets W specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

General information
Motorcycle name Suzuki e-Lets W
Year model 2018
Type Scooter
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Engine and transmission
Type of engine Electric
Engine details AC synchronous motor
Effect 2.3 HP (1.7 kW))
Torque 15.0 Nm (1.5 kgf-m or 11.1 ft.lbs)
Top speed 30.0 km/h (18.6 mph)
Cooling system Air
Gearbox 1-speed
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Pipe under bone
Rake (fork angle) 25.5°
Trail 62 mm (2.4 inches)
Front tire 80/90-10
Rear tire 80/90-10
Front brakes Expanding brake (drum brake)
Rear brakes Expanding brake (drum brake)
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 72.0 kg (158.7 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.0317 HP/kg
Seat height 695 mm (27.4 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Overall height 985 mm (38.8 inches)
Overall length 1665 mm (65.6 inches)
Overall width 600 mm (23.6 inches)
Ground clearance 130 mm (5.1 inches)
Wheelbase 1150 mm (45.3 inches)
Other specifications
Color options White
Starter Electric
Instruments Digital
Electrical Lithium ion battery
Carrying capacity Front basket
Comments Power or Eco mode driving. 4 hour charging. Sold in Japan.
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Further information
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