2023 Rokon Preppers

Rokon Preppers 2023

2023 Rokon Preppers specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Rokon's profilation of this bike
The Rokon for Preppers – Survivor Edition has all the basic go anywhere features of all Rokons but with many key added features. This Bug out Vehicle (BOV) has two ply non directional tires, an LED Headlight for extra lighting and onboard bike maintenance kit to handle emergencies.

General information
Model name Rokon Preppers
Year model 2023
Type Enduro / offroad
Price as newUS$ 9975. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc.
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Engine and transmission
Engine size 208.0 ccm (12.69 cubic inches)
Type of engine Single cylinder, four-stroke
Engine details Kohler engine
Effect 7.0 HP (5.1 kW)) @ 3600 RPM
Torque 9.1 Nm (0.9 kgf-m or 6.7 ft.lbs) @ 2800 RPM
Fuel system Carburettor. Fixed Main Jet Carburetor (Optional High Altitude Jet Available)
Ignition Electronic Magneto
Cooling system Air
Gearbox 3-speed
Driveline Full Time, Front and Rear wheel drive
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Front tire 25/8-12
Rear tire 25/8-12
Front brakes Single disc
Rear brakes Single disc
Wheels Maxxis Big Horn tires
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 98.8 kg (217.8 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.0709 HP/kg
Seat height 838 mm (33.0 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Overall height 1067 mm (42.0 inches)
Overall length 2007 mm (79.0 inches)
Overall width 762 mm (30.0 inches)
Ground clearance 381 mm (15.0 inches)
Wheelbase 1295 mm (51.0 inches)
Fuel capacity 10.00 litres (2.64 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Olive Drab
Starter Electric & kick
Electrical 12 volt
Light LED headlight
Factory warranty 12 Month Limited Warranty
Comments No computer technology. Survival kit with metal water and cooking containers, survival knife with magnesium fire starter, solar blanket, LED headlamp, compass, rope and water proof matches that are fitted into onboard saddlebags.
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Further information
Insurance costsCompare US insurance quotes from the nation's top providers.
Parts finder Check out our overview of motorcycle webshops at Bikez.info.
MaintenanceFind parts, fluids. filters, maintenance tools and service manuals at Amazon.com.
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