2019 KTM 300 EXC TPI

KTM 300 EXC TPI 2019

2019 KTM 300 EXC TPI specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

KTM's profilation of this bike
KTM EXC TPI models feature the most modern engine management system of any 2-stroke off-road motorcycle. Utilizing various sensor data such as intake and ambient air pressure, throttle valve position and water temperature, the control unit optimizes ignition timing and the amount of fuel to inject at all altitudes and conditions.

General information
Motorcycle name KTM 300 EXC TPI
Year model 2019
Type Enduro / offroad
Rating 3.9  Check out the detailed rating of off-road capabilities, engine performance, maintenance cost, etc. Compare with any other bike.
Engine and transmission
Engine size 293.2 ccm (17.89 cubic inches)
Type of engine Single cylinder, two-stroke
Engine details Reed intake.
Bore x stroke 72.0 x 72.0 mm (2.8 x 2.8 inches)
Fuel system Injection
Ignition Synerject
Cooling system Liquid
Gearbox 6-speed
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Clutch Wet, DDS multi-disc clutch, Brembo hydraulics
Driveline 14:50 (13:50). Primary drive: 26:72.
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Frame type Chrome-molybdenum steel central-tube
Rake (fork angle) 26.5°
Front suspension WP USD Ø 48 mm
Front wheel travel 300 mm (11.8 inches)
Rear suspension WP Xplor PDS shock absorber
Rear wheel travel 310 mm (12.2 inches)
Front brakes Single disc. Brake calipers on floating bearings
Diameter 260 mm (10.2 inches)
Rear brakes Single disc. Brake calipers on floating bearings
Diameter 220 mm (8.7 inches)
Wheels CNC machined hubs and high-end Giant rims
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 103.0 kg (227.1 pounds)
Seat height 960 mm (37.8 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Ground clearance 370 mm (14.6 inches)
Wheelbase 1482 mm (58.3 inches)
Fuel capacity 9.00 litres (2.38 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Orange/white/black
Starter Electric & kick
Instruments LCD display
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Rating sample for this KTM bike
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bar (79.2 out of 100)

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