1983 Honda VT 750 C Shadow

Honda VT 750 C Shadow 1983

1983 Honda VT 750 C Shadow specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

General information
Motorcycle name Honda VT 750 C Shadow
Model year 1983
Category Custom / cruiser
Rating 3.7  See the detailed rating of design and look, maintenance cost, engine performance, etc. Compare with any other bike.
Engine and transmission
Displacement 749.5 ccm (45.73 cubic inches)
Engine type V2, four-stroke
Compression 9.8:1
Bore x stroke 79.0 x 75.5 mm (3.1 x 3.0 inches)
Valves per cylinder 3
Fuel system Carburettor. Dual Carb
Ignition Electronic
Cooling system Liquid
Gearbox 6-speed
Transmission type Shaft drive (cardan) (final drive)
Clutch Sprague
Exhaust system Double Stainless Steel Pipes
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Rake (fork angle) 33.0°
Trail 139 mm (5.5 inches)
Front tire 110/90-19 62H
Rear tire 140/90-15 70H
Front brakes Double disc
Rear brakes Expanding brake (drum brake)
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 210.9 kg (465.0 pounds)
Overall height 1199 mm (47.2 inches)
Overall length 2192 mm (86.3 inches)
Overall width 861 mm (33.9 inches)
Ground clearance 150 mm (5.9 inches)
Wheelbase 1524 mm (60.0 inches)
Fuel capacity 12.50 litres (3.30 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Black or Candy Wineberry Red.
Comments This is the grandfather of all ´Shadow´ bikes today. Honda introduced many new ideas on this bike, but the biggest change was the style. The low seat, swept back lines, the extended forks, teardrop tank, all lent to a look that is still going strong in the Shadow of today. This was the first purpose built cruiser. The engine had a unique offset dual-pin crankshaft that achived perfect primary balance. The Sprague (one way) clutch allowed slight slip one way to elliminate wheel chatter when down-shifting at high RPM. This bike was the debut of the three valve, twin plug head also. Hydraulic valve adjusters, electronic ignition, cam chain tensioners, hydraulically actuated clutch and front brakes, brushless generator, shaft drive, all were things that Honda added to make this new bike low maintenance for the rider. If you want to ride, not tinker, the Shadow is the bike for you.
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