2013 Honda CRF450X

Honda CRF450X 2013

2013 Honda CRF450X specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

Honda's profilation of this bike
Taking its inspiration from Honda’s revolutionary CRF450R Motocross machine, the CRF450X gets Honda’s magical touches that transform it into the king of the trail. Touches like the Honda Progressive Steering Damper, which helps reduce rider fatigue and improve cornering.

General information
Model name Honda CRF450X
Year model 2013
Type Enduro / offroad
Price as newUS$ 8440. MSRP depends on country, taxes, accessories, etc.
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Engine and transmission
Engine size 449.0 ccm (27.40 cubic inches)
Type of engine Single cylinder, four-stroke
Compression 12.0:1
Bore x stroke 96.0 x 62.0 mm (3.8 x 2.4 inches)
Fuel system Carburettor. Keihin¿ 40mm flat-slide carburetor with Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
Fuel control Single Overhead Cams (SOHC)
Ignition CD with electronic advance and lighting coil
Cooling system Liquid
Gearbox 5-speed
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Driveline #520 T-ring-sealed chain; 13T/51T
Emission details Meets current California Air Resources Board (CARB) and EPA off-road emissions standards.
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Rake (fork angle) 27.0°
Front suspension 47mm inverted Showa¿ cartridge fork with 16-position rebound and 16-position compression-damping adjustability
Front wheel travel 315 mm (12.4 inches)
Rear suspension Pro-Link¿ Showa¿ single shock with adjustable spring-preload, 17-position rebound-damping adjustability, and compression-damping adjustment separated into low-speed (13 positions) and high-speed (3.5 turns)
Rear wheel travel 312 mm (12.3 inches)
Rear tire 110/100-18
Front brakes Double disc. Two-piston calipers.
Diameter 240 mm (9.4 inches)
Rear brakes Single disc
Diameter 240 mm (9.4 inches)
Physical measures and capacities
Weight incl. oil, gas, etc 122.0 kg (269.0 pounds)
Seat height 963 mm (37.9 inches) If adjustable, lowest setting.
Ground clearance 345 mm (13.6 inches)
Wheelbase 1481 mm (58.3 inches)
Fuel capacity 7.19 litres (1.90 US gallons)
Other specifications
Color options Red
Starter Electric & kick
Comments Model ID: CRF450X
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Further information
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