1962 Hercules R 200

Hercules R 200 1962

1962 Hercules R 200 specifications, pictures, reviews and rating

General information
Motorcycle name Hercules R 200
Year of manufacture 1962
Type Scooter
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Engine and transmission
Engine size 191.0 ccm (11.65 cubic inches)
Type of engine Single cylinder, two-stroke
Output 10.2 HP (7.4 kW)) @ 5250 RPM
Top speed 98.0 km/h (60.9 mph)
Bore x stroke 65.0 x 58.0 mm (2.6 x 2.3 inches)
Fuel system Carburettor. Bing 24mm
Cooling system Air
Gearbox 4-speed
Transmission type Chain (final drive)
Chassis, suspension, brakes and wheels
Seat Dual
Physical measures and capacities
Dry weight 144.0 kg (317.5 pounds)
Power/weight ratio 0.0708 HP/kg
Other specifications
Starter Electric
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Further information
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